
Fish Oil, not Crestor, Fights Heart Failure


So lets spell this out: fish oil is a f-a-t. Therefore we have a fat-- FAT -- that fights heart disease, not some drug. Doesn't the medical establishment tell us on a daily basis that fat causes heart disease and that we need drugs to fix it?

Another thing that makes this interesting is that studies involving nutritional substances typically use small doses of the nutrient in question, often too small to have any therapeutic effect. The authors of such studies then pronounce judgment declaring the nutrient useless or unproven. This study used a modest one gram dose. One wonders just how dramatic the results might have been with larger dosing.

Oh, and no side effects with the fish oil.

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Information found on Rheo H. Blair: The Book is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.