Fresh, Organic, Raw, and REAL.
I am proud to introduce my darling wife in a regular, new Friday feature -- Cooking with Joy! Lorraine Joy, that is. We've just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary though we have been best friends for 10 years. A wonderful cook, a talented improviser in the kitchen and a devoted follower of truly healthy eating, Lorraine has come up with a great collection of tasty recipes that I devour without putting on a pound. Real food is like that. It doesn't make you fat the way fake food does. Real food tends to normalize your weight; if you are too heavy, you drop a few pounds. Too skinny, you gain a few. And you can always feel good about what you are eating because you know it is nourishing your body. Truly guilt free. And with that, take it away Lorraine:
In our refrigerator, you will find all kinds of wonderful raw dairy - Raw Milk, Raw Cheese, Raw Butter, and Raw Cream, which we get from a wonderful dairy called Organic Pastures (where happy cows roam freely on green pastures and eat nothing but the fresh organic grass). What you WON'T find in our house is any of the chemical-laden "whipped topping" you might see on countless menus and on the shelves of conventional supermarkets.
When we want a tasty treat (without guilt and without putting bad stuff into our bodies), we make our own whipped cream, using only the freshest and best ingredients. And to top it all off, there's NO actual sugar involved - we use Xylitol, so it's safe for low glycemic diets (and for all of us that would rather not compromise our health with real sugar or manufactured artificial sweeteners). There are even some extra health bonuses to using Xylitol (click here for more info), but my favorite part is that the measurements and the taste are equivalent to sugar.
Recipe for Home-made Whipped Cream:
1/3 cup RAW ORGANIC Cream (from grass-fed cows)
1 tsp. (or more, to your taste) Xylitol
1 dash of Organic Vanilla Extract (optional)
1 tsp. (or more) Organic Cinnamon (a fun option)
Whip with merriment and joy!
(A whisk helps, too.)
Uses (other healthy Dessert Recipes on which to enjoy your Whipped Cream):
1. Put a generous dollop (at least two heaping tablespoons) over fresh fruit: organic strawberries, organic blueberries, and/or organic raspberries are always winners.
2. Make your own soft-serve sorbet from Raw Kefir ("Qephor") (1 cup), the berries mentioned above (frozen, about 1/2 cup each), and Xylitol (3-4 tbsp.). Put a generous portion of your home-made whipped cream on top - YUMM! (Garnish with a mint leaf or sliced fresh strawberry if desired.)
3. Get a small, organic, whole grain, low carb tortilla. Our favorite is the Fat Flush Plan's French Meadow Bakery version: organic, sprouted, complete protein, and flourless, it's low glycemic and safe for diabetics. Warm it in a frying pan, melt some butter and sprinkle cinnamon and Xylitol on top. Keep on low heat until it gets bubbly. Add some yummy cinnamon whipped cream after it's done. (Can divide the tortilla in two or in quarters to share with an intimate friend - great to the last finger-licking bite!) Sprinkle with an extra dash of cinnamon on top as garnish (or the mint leaf or sliced strawberry previously mentioned).
Remember, the idea is to experiment and have fun!
The great thing about these healthy dessert recipes is that they are tasty and indeed healthy - the good fats alone from the heavy (raw and organic) cream, just like Rheo Blair would have used, are already going to make the body happy, absorbing whatever natural sugar is found in the berries, and cinnamon has been known to balance the blood sugar, aid in digestion, and even kill fungus (all of which is why we like to use it a LOT).
The most important thing is to enjoy what we eat, especially when we know how good it is for our bodies as well as tantalizing for our taste buds. :-)
See you next Friday!
Lorraine Joy
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Copyright © 2008 Charles Welling Contact me
All rights reserved.
Information found on Rheo H. Blair: The Book is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.
When we want a tasty treat (without guilt and without putting bad stuff into our bodies), we make our own whipped cream, using only the freshest and best ingredients. And to top it all off, there's NO actual sugar involved - we use Xylitol, so it's safe for low glycemic diets (and for all of us that would rather not compromise our health with real sugar or manufactured artificial sweeteners). There are even some extra health bonuses to using Xylitol (click here for more info), but my favorite part is that the measurements and the taste are equivalent to sugar.
Recipe for Home-made Whipped Cream:
1/3 cup RAW ORGANIC Cream (from grass-fed cows)
1 tsp. (or more, to your taste) Xylitol
1 dash of Organic Vanilla Extract (optional)
1 tsp. (or more) Organic Cinnamon (a fun option)
Whip with merriment and joy!
(A whisk helps, too.)
Uses (other healthy Dessert Recipes on which to enjoy your Whipped Cream):
1. Put a generous dollop (at least two heaping tablespoons) over fresh fruit: organic strawberries, organic blueberries, and/or organic raspberries are always winners.
2. Make your own soft-serve sorbet from Raw Kefir ("Qephor") (1 cup), the berries mentioned above (frozen, about 1/2 cup each), and Xylitol (3-4 tbsp.). Put a generous portion of your home-made whipped cream on top - YUMM! (Garnish with a mint leaf or sliced fresh strawberry if desired.)
3. Get a small, organic, whole grain, low carb tortilla. Our favorite is the Fat Flush Plan's French Meadow Bakery version: organic, sprouted, complete protein, and flourless, it's low glycemic and safe for diabetics. Warm it in a frying pan, melt some butter and sprinkle cinnamon and Xylitol on top. Keep on low heat until it gets bubbly. Add some yummy cinnamon whipped cream after it's done. (Can divide the tortilla in two or in quarters to share with an intimate friend - great to the last finger-licking bite!) Sprinkle with an extra dash of cinnamon on top as garnish (or the mint leaf or sliced strawberry previously mentioned).
Remember, the idea is to experiment and have fun!
The great thing about these healthy dessert recipes is that they are tasty and indeed healthy - the good fats alone from the heavy (raw and organic) cream, just like Rheo Blair would have used, are already going to make the body happy, absorbing whatever natural sugar is found in the berries, and cinnamon has been known to balance the blood sugar, aid in digestion, and even kill fungus (all of which is why we like to use it a LOT).
The most important thing is to enjoy what we eat, especially when we know how good it is for our bodies as well as tantalizing for our taste buds. :-)
See you next Friday!
Lorraine Joy
Home Page
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Copyright © 2008 Charles Welling Contact me
All rights reserved.
Information found on Rheo H. Blair: The Book is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.