Friday Fun! Cooking With Joy: "Shake it!"

Fast and complete nutrition, Rheo Blair style.

How to make the most (and the most fun) out of your protein shake.

Hello friends! Well, it's another Friday and, since I've just begun my second year of graduate school at University of California, Irvine, I've decided to make this Friday's article about the "fast food" of the nutrition world - protein shakes. They're quick, they're easy, and they actually feed the body, serving in most cases as a substantial and complete meal and giving you energy that lasts for hours.

As a culture, we are constantly on the move, often running around like chickens with heads cut off. (Which is NOT a good way to live, but sometimes we can't avoid it in our crazy society.) Sometimes the healthiest way to be "fast" for breakfast or for a good blood-sugar-boosting -and-stabilizing snack is to grab either a protein bar or (far better) make a fast protein shake. Rheo Blair used his own formulation of protein powder for the primary food source in his transformations, as you have read in previous articles here, making them either into puddings or shakes. Today, companies like Garden of Life and Biotics Research Labs are making exceptional formulations that are low in carbs and high in protein and nutrients. Before our recipe for today, let me give you our biggest tip and suggestion regarding protein mixes:

USE ORGANIC, RAW, WHOLE MILK IN YOUR SHAKE! You've just read in the previous article how important and amazingly healthy Raw Milk is - it's also incredibly yummy! As Charles mentioned, I never miss a day without drinking a good quantity of milk (unless there is some unaccountable shortage at our house or in the stores - it's popular stuff). Every morning, I mix about 10 oz. with two scoops of the Garden of Life Chocolate protein shake mix (or one from Biotics - either the Whey Isolate or rice-based Nutri-Clear for a change, since I have a mixed or balanced metabolic type) and that is my breakfast and primary source of energy for several hours. Not only does the Raw Milk have unlimited health benefits and an extra protein boost, but it makes the shakes taste AMAZING! (SOO much better than with water - yuck!)

Keeping in mind the important dairy connection with the Protein Shakes, here is a Special Protein Shake Recipe (for which I really have to give Charles the credit):

10 oz. Organic Raw Whole Milk
2 oz. Organic Raw Cream
3 scoops Garden of Life Chocolate protein shake mix
LOTS of Organic Cinnamon

Blend all in a Vitamix. BLENDING TIPS AND STEPS: 1) Add milk to blender; 2) put blender on LOW speed; 3) add protein mix; 4) cinnamon; 5) cream - be careful that it doesn't become whipped or clotted! Don't overblend.

What do you get? A frothy, rich, wonderful tasting shake like they used to make in the olden days, but without any of the sugar and a billion different nutritious aspects, including lots of healthy fats, lots of good quality protein, and all the blood-sugar advantages of cinnamon!

TIP: if you add a couple ice cubes to the blender, blending high only for a second or two, it's REALLY convincing as an ice-cream shake.

This recipe can also work for the Garden of Life's Vanilla protein shake flavor if you don't like Chocolate (but who doesn't like Chocolate???).

And now, here's a Vanilla Protein Shake Recipe from our good friend Travis whom we have met by virtue of this blog and who is devoted to a low carb, hi protein healthy lifestyle. One of the great benefits of blogging is the friends you make. Travis is such a friend and we thank him for his contribution here today and for all the helpful and thoughtful feedback he provides on a regular basis. In the following recipe, Travis uses raw milk whenever he has access to it but it is not always available where he lives.

1 scoop undenatured Whey Protein -- I use Jay Robb's brand, vanilla, as it hormone free with no artificial anything. Very tasty.

1 scoop Sweet Dairy Whey- This provides lactobacteria, as it mostly just lactose. One could use milk, about one cup, but I personally do not care for casein protein, so the sweet whey powder gives me the lactose minus casein. Sweet Dairy Whey is a very good product for you G.I. tract and helps promote a healthy colon.

2 Raw Omega 3 Eggs- Any Egg would do as long as it is cage free.

1 Tbsp Heavy Cream

6-8 oz water- sometimes I use milk, and if I do I will not add the sweet dairy whey or the cream. When using milk, go full fat, as nature intended.

I have this every morning. I also take extra enzymes, such as Betaine Hydrochloride [HCl is essential to digesting all your protein shakes and raw dairy]. I always use a blender. If you let [it set] for a while, it will thicken to a milk shake texture, but I normally gulp it down after mixing.

Sweet dairy whey, incidentally, is very good product. You can find it at any health food store. NOW foods makes it and Jay Robb enterprises also makes it. I also add it to plain yogurt and throw in some sliced peaches and it makes a very tasty pudding. Jay Robb has some valuable info on it at his website.

Thank you, Travis. Sounds like some really good stuff! We greatly appreciate your recipe contribution today!

That's all for now. Have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.

See you next Friday!


Lorraine Joy

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Information found on Rheo H. Blair: The Book is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.