Rheo Blair Remembered: October 9, 1921 - October 6, 1983

One year ago we ran several stories remembering Rheo Blair  on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Rheo's death on October 6, 1983. His sudden passing was a huge shock to almost everyone around him. We will run several additional remembrances over the next few days. Today is a special one for me. When I moved into Rheo's home in March of 1978 to begin my transformation, I had one housemate, that is to say another live-in client, staying there with Rheo. His stay overlapped with mine for a few days, a time I remember fondly and which as a great beginning to my extended stay. Robert Wall and I re-connected a few years back on Facebook and we had a good time reminiscing. So on this the 31st anniversary of Rheo's death, here is Robert Wall:

"I first heard of Rheo Blair via television in 1977. That was the main medium back then and Rheo made good use of it appearing of various talk shows. Indeed, he had incredible things to show on TV.  One such appearance was on the AM Los Angeles morning show with Regis Philbin!  Rheo was a frequent guest showing with large photographic evidence how he transformed peoples lives with super nutrition.
The famous Blair Student sticker.

I was fascinated with the idea of "super nutrition" ( this being one of his favorite phrases -- Rheo was "on fire" about nutrition) which Rheo was promoting thanks to the great support and interest on the part of Regis. Through several phone calls (and those of you who knew him know he loved to chat on the phone), I contacted Rheo & asked many questions which he graciously answered.
Robert Wall

Meanwhile, though in pretty good physical condition myself, I had long looked for any edge. So I made arrangements with Rheo to come to his home in Los Angeles & become a Blair Student. This was the Spring of 1978! I spent 10 days at Rheo's taking many vitamins & learning many things Let me add, Charles was there too. Charles was thin & Rheo was going to pack on the pounds, with muscle!

You'll have to ask Charles, how that turned out. I also saw Regis come by & bodybuilder Larry Scott! The info & philosophies I learned have become priceless to this very day. I kept in touch with Rheo often, up to his passing. He always was positive & glad to hear from me. When, I heard of his death in 1983, I remember feeling a profound sadness which came on stronger later, remembering the chats I had with him would be no more. It was a pleasure to know Rheo & I'm sure glad I did."
Thank you Robert Wall!

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Information found on Rheo H. Blair: The Book is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.