A word on posting comments

Being new to the blogging world there are many things to learn as I go; managing the technical aspects of the blog is a good example. After experimenting with the comments capabilities of blogger I have arrived at the following:

1. Should comments be allowed? Yes by all means. We want a good discussion here. You may remain anonymous if you wish.

2. Can anyone post comments? Yes -- see previous answer.

3. Will they be moderated? Yes -- to keep flamers and spam under control. This means I will review comments before they are posted for public reading. This does not mean I will review with a critical eye or wish to limit discussion. Courtesy and civility are the watchwords.

I will strive to review and publish comments several times daily as needed.

HOW TO POST A COMMENT: I heard from a friend of mine who tried posting a comment but was unable to navigate the google/blogger registration system. Fear not:-) You do NOT need to register to post. Simply click on the word "comments" at the bottom of a post. This will cause a small window to pop up. Enter your comments in the message box and then look under that box and you will find four options under the heading "Choose an identity": 1. Google blogger; 2. Open ID; 3. Name/URL; and 4. Anonymous. You may choose any of these options. If choosing Name/URL you do not need to include any URL.

I hope this helps.

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Copyright © 2008, 2009 Charles Welling
All rights reserved.

Information found on Rheo H. Blair: The Book is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment.